Population Health Improvement Initiative Launched by Duke Center for Community & Population Health

Population Health Improvement Initiative Launched by Duke Center for Community & Population Health

The Duke Center for Community & Population Health Improvement is launching a new web platform to catalog community and population health activities at Duke that impact the health of the Durham community and beyond.

The Population Health Improvement Initiative (PHII) is designed to showcase the state of community and population health activities at Duke, and to provide a mechanism for continuously updating and evaluating the scope, reach and effectiveness of activities. This includes population health management, population health sciences and population health improvement activities.

The objective is to:

  1. Create a living web-based platform on community and population health improvement activities at Duke across institutions;
  2. Connect groups involved in community and population health;  and
  3. To maintain an interactive web platform that allows internal and external groups to contribute to the database of community and population health initiatives.

To view, search, or add a program to the platform, go to https://dukehealthmap.hifistaging.com/

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