Research Announcement: Good News for DUSON Faculty

Research Announcement: Good News for DUSON Faculty

From the Center of Nursing Research...

  • Good News! Tanabe Application Submission
    • Kudos to Paula Tanabe and her entire team for the re-submission of their NIH R18 application entitled “Disseminating NIH Evidence Based Sickle Cell Recommendations in North Carolina." This proposal requests funding for a four-year period with a start date of September 1, 2016.
  • Good News! Tara Mann (Chip Bailey/Robin Dail) Application
    • Kudos to Tara Mann and her sponsors Chip Bailey and Robin Dail for the submission of their Heilbrunn Nurse Scholar Award (Rockefeller University) application entitled “Investigating Cognitive/Affective/Sleep Symptoms in Patients Receiving High-Dose Interleukin-2." This proposal requests funding for a two-year period with a start date of April 1, 2016.
  • Good News! Gosselin and Noonan Application Submission
    • Kudos to Tracy Gosselin and Devon Noonan and their entire team for the submission of their Subcontract proposal on an Ohio State University PCORI application entitled "Comparative Effectiveness Research of Two Smoking Cessation Interventions Implemented in Comprehensive Cancer Centers." This proposal requests funding for a five-year period with a start date of September 1, 2016.
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