Smallheer Publishes Article on Delirium

Smallheer Publishes Article on Delirium

Benjamin Smallheer, associate professor, published "Early Recognition of Preventable Factors Associated with Delirium Saves Lives and Costs" in "Nursing Clinics of North America." 

benjamin smallheerBenjamin Smallheer, associate professor, published "Early Recognition of Preventable Factors Associated with Delirium Saves Lives and Costs" in "Nursing Clinics of North America." 

Key Points

  • Delirium can be characterized into 3 phenotypes: hyperactive, hypoactive, and mixed delirium.
  • Delirium is characterized by 4 distinct features: (1) acute change or fluctuating course of mental status during the past 24 hours, (2) inattention, (3) an altered level of consciousness, and (4) disorganized thinking.
  • An easy to administer bedside scoring tool is essential for the timely diagnosis of delirium.
  • The goal for treating delirium is to manage behavioral disturbances while simultaneously finding and treating any causative medical disorders.
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