Spring Graduation Set for May 13 at Duke University Chapel

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Congratulations to all of the students who will participate in graduation exercises on Sunday, May 13, at 5 p.m.
The graduation will be held at the Duke University Chapel located at 401 Chapel Drive in Durham, N.C. Refreshments will be served immediately following the ceremony.
There will be more than 69 Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 107 Master of Science in Nursing and Graduate Certificate and 67 Doctor of Nursing Practice students and nine PhD students participating in the ceremony.
The student speaker for the ceremony will be PhD student Ethan Cicero. Cicero was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholar whose research interests focus on the health disparities experienced by the transgender population.
Academic regalia are required for Duke Commencement and the School of Nursing Hooding and Recognition Ceremony. The School will have two professional photographers on hand to capture all photos. Ordering instructions will be sent out after the ceremony.
To the students participating in this May’s graduation exercises, remember these words of French poet and novelist Anatole France: “To accomplish great things, you must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.”
Congratulations on all of your hard work and for choosing to transform the future of nursing, to advance health with individuals, families and communities.