Trent Center Continues Climate Change Series

Trent Center Continues Climate Change Series

The Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities and History of Medicine will present "Structures and Systems: From Geography to the Workplace" on February 3 from noon to 1 p.m. The event will consist of "The Geography of Environmental Inequity" with Jeremy Hoffman, of the Science Museum of Virginia, and "Healthcare Delivery in the Climate Crisis" with Emily Senay. Register online.

 Existing structures and systems deeply impact the intersectional relationship between climate change, health, and social justice. What are these factors? What issues must be recognized and acknowledged? What must we understand and how should we respond?

This event is the second in a three-part series of lectures on Climate Change, Health, and Social Justice, made possible by a Duke Intellectual Community Planning Grant. For more information about the series and related resources, click here. For a recording of Session I, From Planet to Patient: Understanding Connections, Issues, and Actions, click here.

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