Walton's Presentation Covered by Magazine

Walton's Presentation Covered by Magazine

annmarie waltonONS Voice magazine covered a presentation AnnMarie Walton, assistant professor, gave on September 8 at the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Bridge Conference, which is being held online this year. The article is titled "USP <800> Answers Some Difficult Questions About Hazardous Drug Safety" and discussed the presentation, "Hazardous Drug Safety: Answering Some of the Difficult Questions," that Walton gave with Seth Eisenberg of Oncology Nursing Lectures & Consulting. ONS Voice is the ONS's award-winning news, views, and advocacy magazine. 


Exposure to hazardous drugs (HDs) puts health care workers at risk for myriad adverse effects. Until recently, consistent safety information for HD administration and disposal has been lacking. However, with USP Chapter <800> going into effect in December 2019, U.S. Pharmacopeia has changed the landscape of HD safety guidelines.

(In their session, Eisenberg and Walton) addressed some of the difficult questions oncology nurses face about HD safety and USP <800> requirements. 


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