Katie Rimel

ABSN Student

Health care was always the path I wanted to pursue. My father was in and out of the hospital while I was a child, so I spent a lot of time watching and interacting with the people who cared for him. I saw how hard nurses worked and how big of a difference they can make in someone’s life. While pursuing my bachelor’s degree at Boise State University, I became a Certified Nursing Assistant and had the opportunity to work in an assisted living facility and in a hospital on their neuro floor. These opportunities showed me that this was truly the career I was meant to work in. Being able to help people and make a difference is what I strive to do as a nurse. 

After researching different accelerated nursing programs, DUSON stood out to me as a place where that I could see myself reaching my potential. When I came to tour DUSON, I was welcomed with open arms and felt right at home. The exceptional professors take the time to get to know each and every one of us and make our experience individual. The state-of-the-art simulation lab allows us to practice skills in a safe environment before taking our knowledge into the real world. DUSON is shaping us to become excellent nurse leaders who use evidence to back up our practice.

Having the opportunity to start our clinical rotations in our first semester in the program allows us to explore what kind of nurse we want to be at such an important phase of our education. We are learning from experts who have years of experience that they can share with us. DUSON also provides unique opportunities such as the global immersion opportunity that students can participate in between their second and third semesters. I will be going to Tanzania with eight other students this spring and cannot wait to explore nursing and how it translates to all aspects of life.

In the future, I plan to work in a pediatric intensive care unit, and DUSON is preparing me with the skills needed to make this dream become a reality. 

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