I’ve always known I wanted to do something in the realm of health care. For my first undergraduate degree, I attend college at the University of Rochester where I majored in neuroscience and volunteered in various medical settings with a variety of patient populations. In all of my time volunteering, one of the commonalities I noticed was the nurturing nature of the nurses and how involved they were in the care of their patients. After immersing myself in the various medical settings and having been inspired by so many nurses, I decided that nursing was definitely the right career path for me.
I chose to attend DUSON because I knew the education I would be receiving would successfully prepare me for the next step in my nursing career. DUSON encourages both individual and group learning which I think is very important, especially since in the future we will be working as part of interdisciplinary teams in the medical field.
I am very interested in women’s health and was fortunate enough to take a doula training course offered by Barbara Hotelling as part of my curriculum in the ABSN program. I really enjoyed this course and the passion and love for women’s health radiated out of Ms. Hotelling and inspired a passion within myself. Taking this course made me realize that there is more to a natural birth than what is experienced in a hospital setting. I am thankful that DUSON offered this class and am unsure whether or not I would have been exposed to this at another school.
Learning from the extremely accomplished faculty at DUSON, who are all conducting pertinent research in the nursing field and who are committed to teaching us the most up-to-date patient-centered care techniques is invaluable when it comes to preparing us for the future of nursing. I know that once I graduate from DUSON, I will have mastered the skills necessary to competently and compassionately care for my future patients.
Being a part of the ABSN program has taught me that in the profession of nursing, both the patients and the unique care teams we’ll be working with are comprised of unique people with diverse personalities and that diversity can add great perspective to any given situation. I’m confident I’ve made the right choice in choosing DUSON for my nursing education, the faculty have prepared me well and I can’t wait to enter the nursing profession.