PCCP Who Should Attend

medical provider standing outside of carAt Duke University School of Nursing, we are excited about the important role Population Care Coordinators can play in improving the lives of chronically ill people and are pleased you are interested in learning more about our innovative program. It is available to:

Duke-trained Population Care Coordinators are nurses that help create, implement and promote a patient-centered environment that enables patients and their families to receive high-quality, coordinated comprehensive care. They help ensure that the patient populations served by a practice gets and stays healthy through appropriate follow up, preventative and wellness care. Working closely with the physician and care team, these nurses continuously update personalized health plans and help keep patients engaged.

Health Care Providers

For larger health care organizations that are interested in sending larger groups of nurses to Duke’s PCC Program or having a customized on-site program developed especially for your organization, Duke University School of Nursing can tailor its PCC Program to meet your needs. Our curriculum can include instructional elements that are unique to your organization or content necessary for compliance with any state regulations.

At Duke University School of Nursing, we understand that each health care organization is different and may require specialized topics or content areas to meet their unique needs. Duke University School of Nursing PCC Program faculty can work directly with you to develop appropriate curriculum content and help you launch a Population Care Coordinator Program.


Duke University School of Nursing can partner with other institutions of higher education that are interested in entering into a limited license agreement to deliver the Duke-developed PCC Program in their communities. The online program is delivered by Duke Faculty, using the Duke-created curriculum. The partnering institution works with the Duke faculty to create, facilitate and host the program’s two-to-three face-to-face sessions.

If you represent an institution of higher education that is interested in potentially offering the Duke University School of Nursing’s Population Care Coordinator Program as an adjunct course, please feel free to contact us to learn more.


For individual medical practices interested in creating a Population Care Coordinator Program with a few nurses or for individual nurses seeking to expand their skills, the Duke PCC Program is fast and convenient. The curriculum and resources used in the program can be used by health care providers of all sizes.

Students in the Duke PCC Program learn to use processes, strategies and resources to work with patient populations of all sizes and needs. The Duke PCCP approach can be tailored to meet the needs of the health care practice as well as the unique needs of the communities they serve.

Contact us today. We invite you to learn more about this incredible program.

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