Graduate Loan Options

To apply for federal loans, complete the following applications after you have submitted your admission application.

Federal Loans

Students interested in borrowing federal loans must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Eligibility for graduate federal loan funding is based on a minimum enrollment of three credit hours during the fall/spring semesters and two credit hours during the summer semester. Federal policy does not allow the disbursement of a loan during a semester in which a student is enrolled in fewer credit hours than the minimum requirements.

There are two federal student loans awarded to graduate students. The Federal Direct Unsubsidized and Graduate Plus loans accrue interest at the time of disbursement. Visit the Department of Education website for federal loans and current interest rates.


Direct Unsubsidized Loan

Direct Grad Plus Loan

Each academic year


Up to total Cost of attendance

Interest rate






Aggregate Limit


Up to cost of attendance

Origination Fee




Nurse Faculty Loan

The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) is a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-funded loan forgiveness program for Post-Master's Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and Master's in Nursing Education students committed to becoming a faculty member in an accredited school of nursing. This program provides forgiveness of up to 85% of the loan for those who work as eligible full-time nursing faculty or instructors after graduation. To review the job requirements to receive loan forgiveness, visit the NFLP website. Click on “Related Documents,” click on the HRSA full announcement (1st document listed), and navigate to page 7. Nurse Anesthesia students are not eligible to participate in this program. Please note the following requirements for the program:

  • Must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Must be a US citizen or permanent resident.
  • Must complete a total of nine (9) credit hours in education coursework to qualify for the NFLP, which includes N741, N742, N743, plus three (3) of the following: N732, N733, N735, N738, N744, N746, N747, N748, N749, or N750.
  • Must be enrolled at least half-time (three credit hours during the fall/spring semesters; two credit hours during the summer semester).
  • Must be employed in a full-time nurse faculty position within 12 months of graduation and notify the Duke Student Loan Office (scroll to the bottom of their webpage for contact information) immediately once employed.

The loan covers tuition, fees, and books, minus any other resources toward tuition, up to a maximum of $40,000 per academic year. Funding is awarded annually by Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) and is not guaranteed. Returning borrowers are given funding priority each academic year.

Private Education Loans

When all federal loan options have been exhausted, or when a student is enrolled below the minimum credit hour requirement and not eligible for federal loan funding, private student loans may be available. Private student loans are borrowed from a private lender source other than Duke or the federal government to help finance education expenses. Approval of a private student loan is based on your credit history and the additional qualifications of the private lender.

A student may borrow a private student loan from a private lender. Duke also offers a Lender List to assist students when applying for a private loan.

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