Duke Prepares Student to Recognize Culturally Competent Care
Volunteering at a hospital helped spark Diana Zamora’s passion for healthcare, which she is translating into a career here at the School of Nursing.

ABSN student Diana Zamora spent some of her high school summers volunteering at many places, but she said it was her volunteer experience at a local hospital that truly caught her interest.
“Here, I got to provide support to patients and families in areas such as the emergency department, the cancer center, and other hospital units,” Zamora said. “Working alongside nurses, I observed the deep trust they built with patients and the remarkable strength they displayed in helping people during their most vulnerable moments.”
Although Zamora always knew she wanted to work in healthcare, this experience solidified her passion for nursing. When it came to choosing a nursing school, Zamora said what separated Duke from other nursing schools, apart from being one of the top nursing programs in the country, was their holistic approach to healthcare.
She said Duke emphasizes incorporating the meaning of physical, emotional, and social aspects of health in patient care. “This holistic approach aligns with my beliefs and my desire to make a meaningful impact on patients’ lives by addressing their health beyond their symptoms,” Zamora said. “Attending an institution dedicated to addressing and bridging health disparities was at the forefront of my decision and aligned with my aspirations as a future healthcare leader.”
Zamora has mentioned her time here at Duke has been nothing short of amazing. “While nursing school is challenging, the School of Nursing does their best to set you up for success by providing all the necessary tools and support to help you get there.”
Duke prides itself on the experience it provides its students and Zamora she said she has seen this demonstrated through faculty dedication to educating the next generation of nurse leaders. “What sets Duke apart from other programs is their commitment to setting you up for success through every available method, recognizing that everyone learns differently. They strive to ensure you feel confident and competent, working closely with you to achieve that goal.”
The School of Nursing’s overarching mission is to train highly competent nurse leaders who will help advance health equity. Through the mission Duke prepares the next generation of nurses to advance health equity by emphasizing holistic care and addressing the effects of healthcare disparities in their curriculum.
“Through a mix of diverse clinical experiences and coursework that incorporates education on social determinants of health, I have developed a deep understanding of how these factors influence health,” Zamora said. “These experiences have allowed me to recognize the impact of culturally competent care in addressing healthcare disparities in our communities and in promoting health equity.”
As a third-semester student, the Graham, N.C.-native said she is currently exploring various specialties within nursing, which has made it challenging to pick just one. The numerous opportunities at Duke allow her to keep her options open and immerse herself in different aspects of nursing. “My goal is to explore these avenues throughout my program, and I am confident that by the end of my time here, I will have found the area that resonates most with my passions and skills.”
She added, “For now, I am keeping an open mind and embracing all the new experiences that come with my nursing education here at Duke.”