Relf Meets With Global Partners From UST CON, Philippines

Michael Relf recently met with global partners from the College of Nursing at the University of Santo Tomas (UST CON) in the Philippines. During the visit, the Vice President of the Philippines, Maria Leonor Gerona Robredo, presented at the College's symposia focusing on "Understanding the Terrains of Social Development," at the University of Santo Tomas. Relf was able to attend this session by the invitation of the Dean of UST College of Nursing. 

Each year, a group of ABSN students participate in a global clinical immersion experience organized by the UST CON. Additionally, each August, DUSON welcomes nursing students from the UST CON to DUSON as they participate in the Exploring Global Patterns of Illness course. 

Pictured to the right (from left to right) are: Elizabeth Cortes, Director of International Programs at the UST CON; Dean Susan Maravilla of the UST CON; Michael Relf; the Vice President; Dr. Sumile, faculty member of the UST CON; and Mavic Bongar, faculty member of the UST CON. 

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