Shaw Gets Award for Seneca Devices Proposal

<p>Congratulations to Ryan Shaw, associate professor, and his entire team who have received an award for their Seneca Devices, LLC, proposal entitled: <em>"</em>Easy Shift<sup>TM</sup><em>"</em>.&nbsp;This award is for a one-year period awarded September 30, 2019, to September 29, 2020.</p>

Ryan ShawCongratulations to Ryan Shaw, associate professor, and his entire team who have received an award for their Seneca Devices, LLC proposal entitled: "Easy ShiftTM". This award is for a one-year period awarded September 30, 2019, to September 29, 2020. 

EasyShift™ allows a user to position a patient from side-to-side or up in the bed using a one-button push. The device is additional equipment that attaches to a hospital bed. Earlier phases of development occurred in partnership with DUSON and Duke Health Nursing. Through iteration and feedback from faculty and staff, the development of EasyShift™ has progressed from engineering to field testing.


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