Transforming the Nation's Health

Ng Li Choo Michelle MN,  |  Fall 2023 - Published Op-Ed

Fall 2023 Student Op-Ed Columns

The Ambitious Quest of the "Improving Access to Advance Care Planning Act"

The promise of a streamlined Advance Care Planning (ACP) in the U.S. is appealingly close with the introduction of the S.4873 bill, optimistically titled "Improving Access to Advance Care Planning Act." However, this beacon of hope navigates a challenging landscape, riddled with complexities that threaten its successful passage and implementation.

At the core of the issue lies the inherent complexity of the bill. It eagerly attempts to dissect and address a medley of subjects, from the fine details of Medicare billing to the ever-evolving realms of provider training and scientific research. While such depth and detail can be praiseworthy, it presents a double-edged sword. If legislators find it challenging to grasp the nuances of the bill raipidly, it might lose the momentum essential for its timely passage.

Beyond the maze of its content, the bill's journey is further complicated by the broader political drama. The widening gap between our major political parties, as observed by Dimock & Wike in 2020, makes it harder for both sides to work together. This polarization, entrenched in the current U.S. political environment, means that even a bill with the cross-party background of S.4873 isn't shielded from intense scrutiny and potential deadlock. Digging even deeper, we uncover numerous reservations that various stakeholders hold. Voices from diverse quarters express concerns ranging from potential hidden costs to fears about government overreach in personal healthcare decisions. Some guess, there’s a real concern that this bill could inadvertently reignite contentious debates around euthanasia or inadvertently empower healthcare providers at the expense of patient’s self-determination.

The expanding role of clinical social workers in ACP has also been a focal point of contention, with fears of them possibly exerting undue influence on life-altering decisions. These multifaceted concerns are exacerbated by the interests of influential lobbying groups. Historically protective of their interests, they could perceive the bill as a potential threat to their profitability. The S.4873 bill also faces the daunting task of altering public opinion. ACP has historically been presented in a manner that many find distant and, quite frankly, intimidating. This pre-existing perception acts as a daunting barrier, potentially hindering widespread public support.

Michelle Ng
Ng Li Choo Michelle

Then, there's the Senate, the ultimate gatekeeper. Tasked with the significant duty of weighing the pros and cons of the bill, the Senate must navigate these intricacies and make an informed decision. They must not only assess the immediate implications but also foresee the longterm impact, evaluating the bill's effectiveness after its potential enactment. Addressing these challenges necessitates a clear strategy. First, there's an urgent need to simplify and clarify the language of the bill. A more concise, jargon-free version will expedite its comprehension and decision-making process. Engaging the public through awareness campaigns is essential. These campaigns should expound the essence of ACP and the bill's objectives in relatable terms, ensuring the message is specific to their concerns and effectively addressing myths. Bipartisan dialogue is also crucial. By fostering open communication and collaboration between both sides of the political spectrum, the bill can be refined to address a broader range of concerns, ensuring its relevance in the current political climate. Lastly, once the bill is passed, a mechanism should be put in place to periodically evaluate its effectiveness, ensuring its objectives align with improving ACP access. Setting a specific timeline for this evaluation ensures its measurability and achievability. As a foreigner, the S.4873 bill stands at an important moment, symbolizing hope in the realm of ACP. Its journey, though faced with challenges, is critically significant to the future of healthcare in America. By taking actionable steps, we can transition this bill from a mere symbol of hope to a transformative reality in American healthcare.

Advanced care planning empowers us and honours our loved ones by ensuring our healthcare preferences are upheld. To back the "Improving Access to Advance Care Planning Act," reach out to your senators highlighting the act's significance. As advocates, let's aim to collect 100 signatures supporting S.4873 in the next two months for our representatives. Amplify this message via regular weekly social media posts, facilitating educated conversations and dispelling misconceptions. Let’s engage in conversations with at least two individuals over the next three months, elucidating the act's benefits in simple terms. Together, we can elevate advanced care planning into the gold standard of care!

Ng Li Choo Michelle, MN, Singapore, currently an advanced practice nurse specialised in Renal Medicine.

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