Uzarski and Dean Broome Publish Article in Journal of Professional Nursing

Uzarski and Dean Broome Publish Article in Journal of Professional Nursing

Diane Uzarski, chief of staff; and Marion E. Broome, Dean of the School of Nursing; Vice Chancellor for Nursing Affairs, Duke University; and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for Nursing, Duke University Health System; recently published an article entitled "A Leadership Framework for Implementation of an Organization's Strategic Plan" in the Journal of Professional Nursing. 


Many schools of nursing have employed strategic planning as resources have become limited and demands for organizational efficiency have increased. Although the process of developing a strategic plan has been described in the literature, there is little information about how to implement and evaluate a plan. In this paper, we provide an overview of one nursing school's strategic plan development and the implementation and evaluation processes. Our paper provides a detailed description of the leadership framework used to shape, implement and evaluate the plan and makes recommendations for their application to other schools engaging in strategic planning.

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