Tuition Rates:
2025-2026 Academic Year: $29,700 Estimated Per Semester
Estimated Tuition Over Four Semesters: $118,800

Students who enroll in more than 16 credit hours in a semester will be charged the standard tuition for the semester plus tuition at our graduate per-credit-hour rate for credits taken that exceed 16, while students enrolled in less than 12 credit hours in a semester will be charged tuition at our per-credit-hour rate for that semester.

Tuition rates shown above are estimated based on the 2025-2026 tuition, a fall program start, and the applicable matriculation plan for the program's first year. Additional fees are automatically generated following registration. Tuition and fees are subject to change each academic year. Changes to a student's program or course load may incur additional tuition charges and fees.


Fees are automatically generated following registration. All prices are subject to change each academic year.

Possible Fees Frequency 2025 - 2026*


Each semester


Transcript Fee

First semester only


Health Fee

Each semester

$484 (Fall/Spring)*
$341 Summer*

Graduate Student Activity Fee

Fall and Spring


Graduate Student Services Fee

Fall and Spring


Recreation Fee 

Fall and Spring


Health Insurance † (optional)

Once per year

Visit the Student Health website*

Standardized Testing/Exam (NCLEX) Review Fee

The first semester only


Clinical Lab Fee



*NOTE: Estimated Duke University Fee - Fees updated in May.
Questions concerning health insurance should be directed to the Student Health Insurance Office.

Click below for a breakdown of the total cost of attendance by cohort.

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