LATIN-19 Covered in News Outlets

latin 19 screenshotThe Latinx Advocacy Team & Interdisciplinary Network for COVID-19 (LATIN-19), which consists of DUSON-connected members, was featured recently in the news story: "The heroes of the pandemic: 'When the world is burning, I must put out the fire'/Héroes de la pandemia: 'Si el mundo está ardiendo, yo siento que tengo que ayudar a apagar el fuego'." The story specifically acknowledged Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda, associate professor, and Irene Felsman, assistant professor, for their involvement. 

The story ran in Enlace Latino NC and Univision:

The article was then featured in the Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute and Duke Daily email newsletters. 

LATIN-19 is a coalition of interested stakeholders that comes together for a weekly meeting to discuss the impact of the virus on the Latinx community and advocate for additional testing sites and protections for Latinos working in frontline jobs like meatpacking and poultry plants.


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