Registration Now Open for Duke Professional Accountability Program Courses

The Professional Accountability Program (PACT) provides a framework for ensuring that our providers and staff are consistently exhibiting behaviors that support our health system values. The program utilizes interventions aimed at promoting insight, accountability, and appropriate improvements in behavior through the use of peers as peer messengers. These peer messengers are specifically trained to provide first-line, confidential support and coaching in a supportive, non-punitive way.

Richard-Eaglin Advocates Education, Implementation of Cultural Intelligence

Without skills such as cultural intelligence (CQ), the Duke University School of Nursing wouldn’t be able to fulfill an intrinsic part of its mission, to bolster a diverse, inclusive environment for all.

CQ refers to a method that provides a person with the tools and knowledge needed to connect and collaborate with others of different cultures. Advocating for the widespread implementation of this method is Angela Richard-Eaglin, DNP, FNP-BC, CNE, FAANP, assistant professor. Richard-Eaglin’s own personal experiences as well as the experiences of others propel her efforts.

Clinical Research Training Program Accepting Applications

The program is now accepting applications for academic year 2021-2022. For a detailed description of the program, the course offerings, and a link to the online application, please visit the Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) website.

CRTP trains clinical researchers in leading-edge investigative practices grounded in sound scientific principles promoting reproducible research and rigorous ethics training and practice.

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