Miller Submits Application on Digital Health Intervention

hailey miller headshotKudos to Hailey Miller, postdoctoral associate, and her sponsors for the submission of her Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute, Post-Doctoral Training Program (TL1) application entitled: "Feasibility of delivering a digital health intervention to improve food access among adults with hypertension." This proposal requests funding with a start date of July 1, 2021.

Specific Aims

Kelly Appointed to Editorial Board

maryellen kelly headshotMaryellen S. Kelly, assistant professor, was appointed as Affiliated Society Representative on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Pediatric Urology. The aims of this publication are "to advance and improve the education in pediatric urology and the diffusion of knowledge of new and improved methods of teaching and practicing pediatric urology in all its branches." 

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