End-of-Semester Reminders, Updates for Students

The message is being sent to all Duke graduate and professional students.

Dear students,

The semester is quickly drawing to a close and we know that many of you are finalizing plans to leave Duke and Durham for Winter Break. We are writing today to share important updates including sharing your departure plans with us if you’re on campus or in the Durham area, and how to complete a COVID-19 exit test before you leave. Additionally, we want to highlight valuable health and wellness information for Winter Break.

Kim Grier

I was interested in pursuing nursing as my mom is a nurse midwife, and I grew up hearing about her experiences and visiting the clinic where she worked. I have always loved medicine and working with vulnerable populations, so nursing was a perfect fit. My mom was also diagnosed with cancer when I was a senior in high school, so I spent a lot of time in the hospital during this time and was exposed to the nurse-patient relationship. These experiences showed me the significant impact a nurse can make on a person’s life.

HyunBin (Binnie) You

The caring culture embedded in nursing drew my attention. When I was an undergraduate student, I got fascinated by the various skills nurses have, even beyond clinical settings. I still believe that nurses do not only provide care to an individual but also empower the individual to engage in their own health behaviors.

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