State and Federal Funding
North Carolina Forgivable Education Loans for Service (FELs) provides financial assistance to qualified students enrolled in an approved education program (nursing) and committed to working in critical employment shortage professions in North Carolina. Must be a legal North Carolina resident and NC resident for tuition purposes to apply. Submit applications the year prior to enrollment.
Federal HRSA Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs provide funding to help students offset the cost of their education. Scholarship programs provide tuition, fees and living stipend assistance to students enrolled in a qualified nursing program. Loan repayment programs provide funding to graduates employed full-time at a critical shortage facility with qualifying educational loans. Visit this page to compare HRSA Scholarship and Loan Repayment Programs
Faculty Loan Repayment Program provides up to $40,000 to health professionals from disadvantaged backgrounds in exchange for two years of service on the faculty at an accredited health professions college or university.
Indian Health Service NHSC Loan Repayment Program provides up to $40,000 towards health profession education loans in exchange for an initial two-year service commitment to practice in health facilities serving American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
U.S. Public Health Services’ SRCOSTEP Program provides pay and benefits to selected applicants in the final year of full-time academic study in exchange for work for the sponsoring agency as a Commissioned Corps Officer after graduation. The service obligation is equal to twice the time sponsored; that is, for 9 months of financial support, a SRCOSTEP participant commits to 18 months of employment with the division or organization that provided the support.
NC Rural Practice Incentive Programs (For MSN FNP Graduates) are state loan repayment programs with tax-free funds for loan repayment made available through the North Carolina Office of Rural Health and Community Care’s administration of State Loan Repayment (SLR). These programs offer up to $60,000 in loan repayment or up to $30,000 taxable bonus (for those with no student loan debt) in exchange for a four-year work commitment.
Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP) - ABSN Students Only
HPSP awards scholarships to students receiving education/training in a health care services discipline. Awards will be offered on a competitive basis and are exempt from Federal taxation. In exchange for the award, scholarship program participants agree to a service obligation in a VA health care facility.