DNP Program Outcomes

Use translational science and analytic methods to develop, identify, implement, and evaluate best practices to improve health care and health care systems.

Act as a practicing scholar to design, direct and evaluate system changes to promote safe, timely, effective, efficient, and equitable patient-centered care.

Engage in complex, evidence-based advanced-nursing practice and evaluative approaches to care delivery for individuals, communities, and populations.

ABSN Program Outcomes

Act as an evolving scholar who contributes to the development of the science of nursing practice by identifying questions in need of study, critiquing published research, and using available evidence as a foundation to propose creative, innovative or evidence-based solutions to clinical practice problems.

MSN Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, the MSN graduate is able to:

Contribute to the science of nursing in one’s specialty area of practice by analyzing underlying disparities in knowledge or evidence; formulating research questions; and systematically evaluating the impact on quality and disseminating evidence-based solutions to nursing problems.

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