Men at DUSON


Our student exit surveys have shown us that male students are highly satisfied with their DUSON experience. Our male graduates felt satisfied or highly satisfied with their experiences as a student at DUSON, and similar numbers would recommend DUSON to a close friend or family member. Demographic-specific data is compared against the alumni population as a whole, and this is used to help guide allocation of resources and the development of support strategies for groups identified as needing more focus attention. 

  • 9% males enrolled in our ABSN program
  • 8% of males enrolled in our MSN program
  • 18% of males enrolled in our DNP program
  • 11% males enrolled in our PhD program

Our MSN and DNP programs continue to see an increase in male students obtaining advanced practice degrees since 2015.


In the last three years,

  • 51 men have graduated from our ABSN program
  • 64 men have graduated from our MSN program
  • 16 men completed the DNP program
  • 2 men completed the PhD program
  • 14 men completed the Nurse Anesthetist program

Additionally, the Health Equity Academy II worked hard to enroll three males in its 2021 cohort which means eight male participants have completed the program since it began in 2014. The Health Equity Academy II is a competitive academic and professional  socialization program for students interested in a career in nursing who aspire to leadership in the profession and advanced levels of graduate education. Upon completion of the Heath Equity Academy II, the students matriculate into the ABSN program.

Participants of the program credit the academy with giving them a better understanding of opportunities of being a nurse as well as providing endless opportunities, growth, learning and preparation to be the best nurse they can be.

In addition, the newly created DUSON-Trinity College Curriculum Bridge program which allows Duke University Trinity College students to transition into the DUSON ABSN program during their senior year in Trinity College enrolled its first male student in 2021.


"I enlisted in the United States Navy in 1990 as a Hospital Corpsman. This opportunity gave me a chance to get an 'up close and personal' view of all the varied professions in mental health from a young age. If it had not been for the mentorship and intrusive leadership of a uniformed male psychiatric-mental health clinical nurse specialist, my career trajectory would not have led me to where I am today. At Duke School of Nursing (DUSON), I have found a home because this institution is willing to lean into the discomfort associated with social change. DUSON's commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging subsumes all that we do. I stand on the shoulders of giants and now aspire to place the next generation on mine."
Sean P. Convoy, DNP, PMHNP-BC
Assistant Professor
Lead Faculty, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program

Male DUSON Leaders, Faculty, and Staff

Currently, DUSON has 18 men (20%) who are full-time regular rank faculty members and 27 (19%) men who are staff. We have several men in key leadership positions within the school. A larger number of male faculty members means DUSON is able to provide mentoring and unique support to male students. DUSON utilizes gender pairing of male students to male faculty for encouragement and career guidance.

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