The Duke Chapter of AAMN

DAAMN student leaders Olivia and Brian

The Duke University Chapter of AAMN worked over the last year to establish bylaws, a constitution, and a formal leadership structure to become an official student group recognized by the university in May 2021. This recognition allows us a certain degree of university support and sponsorship for activities and funds to support activities. DAAMN has also created an inclusive environment where female students are welcomed.

"DAAMN is a student-led organization designed to build relationships within DUSON and the greater Durham community, as well as foster professional growth and development. Our club takes great pride in its diversity and continues to push boundaries to better meet the needs of diverse patients and communities."​
Brian Oh

ABSN Student

"DAAMN is an amazing club organization that works to give back to the surrounding community by providing education, healthcare training, and awareness to continue to diversify the healthcare field. We work to engage those within our community to influence future nurses and pursue the goal of creating equality within the nursing profession."."​
Olivia Myszewski
ABSN Student

DAAMN hosts monthly socials that are open to men and women at DUSON to discuss ways to promote the presence of men in the nursing workforce, and plan DAAMN involvement in the community.

In the past few years DAAMN has:

  • Coordinated a "No Shave November" social media campaign.

  • Run a Homeless Woman’s Drive with a local service organization, Urban Ministries.

  • Organized potluck meals and meetings with Duke University’s Spectrum club to discuss LGBQT health issues, and the Fusion club to discuss the need for diversity in the healthcare profession.

  • Partnered with a Crossfit gym and invited DUSON community to attend meetings about safe lifting techniques and ways to maintain and improve overall health.

  • Talked about men’s health at a local community DHA Elders (Durham Housing Authority) meeting. Topics included prostate health, impotence with aging, and ways to use low risk preventative measures for aging man’s sexual health.

  • Held annual Red Cross blood drives at DUSON.

  • Presented an interactive Q&A and hands-on workshop at a local high school to encourage students to consider the nursing profession

  • Partnered with the Institute of Pediatric Nursing to encourage the field of nursing to men.

Brian participating in blood drive
DAAMN boy scout event

Please see some of the DAAMN news representing the impact the organization has on our community:

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