Nurse Anesthesia Students Donate Socks to Durham Rescue

Although the COVID-19 pandemic placed limitations on the nurse anesthesia program’s ability to celebrate National Nurse Anesthesia Week, that did not stop the students from serving their community. The Nurse Anesthesia-DNP class of 2022 recently held a sock drive through their professional aspects course. Socks are an overlooked yet essential necessity for our community facing financial disparities. The nurse anesthesia students and faculty were eager to meet the needs of their community and donated over 100 pairs of women’s, men’s, and children’s socks to The Durham Rescue Mission.

Diversity Corner: Participate in CQ, Bystander Training Workshops

diversity corner logoWe invite you to the following events:

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Workshops

Facilitated by Dr. Angela Richard-Eaglin, assistant professor, participants must attend CQ I & CQ II to gain a comprehensive understanding of application of CQ concepts to self-awareness, organizational wellness, bias management, and mitigation of bias-influenced decisions and outcomes.

Event on Indigeneity and Disability Planned for March 30

"Indigeneity and Disability: Futures of Personhood, Care and Consent" will occur March 30 at 6 p.m. EST.

What dreams for the world whisper through the cracks of this world that is breaking? This panel brings together the breadth and depth of five influential scholars, artists, cultural/political organizers and researchers to delve into how the embodied realities and analytics of both indigeneity and disability open political, cultural, medical and spiritual imaginaries about body, land, practices of care and consent.

Event Focused on Gay Community, Healthcare Happening March 31

A panel of speakers will present on a wide range of topics that highlight the importance of being involved with policy and how policy influences the lives of LGBTQIA+ community and health care for the "How Policy Informs Sexuality and Gender Within Healthcare" on March 31 at 6 p.m. This event is presented by the Student Success Center, DUSON Spectrum, Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Register online or by scanning the QR code on the flyer. 

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