DUSON Invited to Register for Health, Wellness Program

Duke Health and Fitness Center has registered, licensed and experienced dietitians that provide both the expertise and personal support needed for both short-term and long-term success with weight loss and weight management. Our group approach includes the 8-week Getting on Track Weight Loss program and our ongoing weight loss support group called Staying on Track. For a one-on-one approach, schedule an exercise and/or nutrition consultation with one of our experts.

Getting on Track

Walton Receives Award of Duke CCPS Proposal

annmarie waltonCongratulations to AnnMarie Walton, assistant professor, and her entire team who have received an award for their Duke Cancer Control and Population Sciences Pilot Studies (CCPS) proposal entitled “Examining Occupational Exposure Risks and the Efficacy of Toilet Seat Covers and Routine Discharge Cleaning in Minimizing Antineoplastic Drug Contamination." This award is for a two-year period with a project start date of Jan

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