Expert to Discuss Diabetes, Heart Disease in Canada for Duke Event

The Duke Department of Population Health Sciences will present "Sex, Drugs, and Universal Health: Diabetes and Heart Disease in Canada" on Thursday, October 22, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Zoom. Padma Kaul, professor in the Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, will be the featured speaker and will discuss gathering population-level real-world evidence on health outcomes from womb to tomb. Lesley Curtis, professor and chair of Department of Population Health Sciences, will be the discussant.

Vote for Your Favorite Meme

This week (October 18-24) is Infection Prevention Week. To celebrate, the Duke University Hospital Infection Prevention Team is sponsoring a Meme Contest.

The submission period has concluded. Thank you to those who submitted memes!

Now, vote for your favorite by Wednesday, October 21, through this Duke Qualtrics form.

A grand-prize winner will be chosen based on the number of votes received and announced on Thursday, October 22. 

Check out some of these DUSON entries:

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