Let’s DU Lunch Program

Let's DU LunchLet’s DU Lunch is an innovative pilot project sponsored by the DUSON Student Council and supported by the Dean, the Senior Leadership, and Faculty. The concept of the program is simple — to provide an opportunity for students and faculty to informally network and build relationships over lunch.

DUSON students can invite faculty members to lunch to get to know them personally, away from the formal instructor-student setting, and learn more about nursing opportunities, faculty research interests, and expand their understanding of everything DUSON has to offer. Designed as a collaboration-building program, Let's DU Lunch is patterned after a successful undergraduate program at Duke.

How It Works…

It’s simple! A student or a small group of students invites a faculty member to “Let's DU Lunch.” We suggest that no more than one to four students attend a lunch with a faculty member to allow for greater interaction and involvement. Students and faculty can go to any restaurant they like, but the lunch is capped at $20 per person (no alcohol and includes tax and gratuities). The cost of the meal is paid for from funds set aside by DUSON Administration.

What Faculty Members Think About It...

"This is such an innovative idea! As faculty we get to know students in our courses, but typically our interactions are about course content. Lunch will allow both students and faculty to get to know each other better.”  --  Marilyn Oerman

“"The Let’s DU Lunch program is a great opportunity for faculty and students to network, explore common interests and engage in outside-of-the-classroom discussions about nursing and professional opportunities.”  --  Michael Relf

Let's DU Lunch Signup Form

For more information, please contact the DUSON Student Council.
They will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Bon Appétit!

Student - FAQs

How do I sign up Let's DU Lunch?

  • Complete the form by providing the name and email address of each student (maximum of 4) and the invited faculty member.
  • Let's DU Lunch requests can be submitted up until two weeks before the last day of classes.
  • Each person on the request form will be notified via email of the approved or unapproved status of the request. Do not DU Lunch prior to receiving this notification. Please allow up to two weeks from submission for a response.

NOTE: Participation in ​Let's DU Lunch​ is subject to available funds each semester. Each student may only go to Let's DU Lunch once a semester.

Who pays for the lunch when we go out?

The faculty member will pay for lunch using their Duke procurement card.

Is there a limit on the cost of lunch?

The maximum to be spent on each person is $20 including tax and tip.

How does the approval process work?

Participation is subject to available funds, and each student may only DU Lunch once per semester. The student(s) and the invited faculty member will receive an email notifying them of the status of the Let's DU Lunch request within two weeks after submission of the request form.

How many times can I participate?

Students can participate once per semester (fall, spring, summer).

Can off-campus and distance-based students participate?

Yes! We encourage these students to participate whenever they plan to be on campus or meet with DUSON faculty.

Can I order alcohol?

No. Alcohol may not be purchased as a part of Let's DU Lunch.

Where can we go for lunch?

Anywhere you and the invited faculty member agree to go. Some suggested places nearby.

Some suggested places nearby:

  • If you want to walk or have a time limit:
    • Panera
    • Tropical Smoothie Cafe
    • Duke University Hospital Food Court
    • Nosh at Joe Rae Café
    • Saladelia at Perkins
  • If you want to drive or have a little bit more time:
    • Mad Hatters
    • Foster's Market
    • Any restaurants on Erwin Rd, 9th Street, or in Downtown Durham

How do I ask a faculty member to lunch?

Look through the faculty directory to view individual profiles with information about their areas of expertise and professional interests, or ask other DUSON faculty, your advisor, or the DUSON Student Council for suggestions.

Email or call the faculty member to see if they are interested and available.
"Dear Dr. XX, My name is YY, and I am a student in the ZZ program. I would like to invite you to participate in Let's DU Lunch with me. Would you be interested? I would like to talk about A, B and C topics. When are you available? My availability is [list a few dates and times]. Would any of those dates work for you? Thank you, [your name, email, phone number])

What do I talk about with the faculty member?

Some possible ideas:

  • Their research interests
  • Where they have worked before or are currently working
  • Where they went to school

Some potential topics:

  • Educational experience
  • Career options
  • Professional and academic service and advancement
  • Educational options
  • Mentoring
  • Hobbies, outside interests

Some potential questions to ask during lunch: 

  • How did you get where you are today?
  • What do you do?
  • What is your average day like?
  • If you were in my position, what should I do?
  • What is your best advice?
  • Is there any advice you wish you had received early on?
  • What do you like about your job?
  • What do you like about nursing?
  • Is there anyone else I should connect with in this field?
  • What brought you to nursing?
  • How can I get more involved in (research projects, volunteer work, nursing education, etc.)?
  • Are there any resources (books, professional organizations, people, etc.) you can suggest that would help me gain insight and experience?
  • What is the best thing that has happened to you in your professional career?
  • What brought you to North Carolina?

How long do I have to set up the lunch?

You have until the end of the semester before your request expires. That means that you can submit your request at the start of the semester and go to lunch in the middle or at end of the semester.

Which DUSON students can participate?

All students in DUSON can participate—both distance and on-campus!

Faculty - FAQs

How do faculty participate in Let's DU Lunch?

By invitation. A student or group of up to 4 students will invite you to Let’s DU Lunch and submit a form online to provide the name and email address of each person interested in participating. Faculty members do not submit the form.

How does the sign up process work?

A student fills out the form for up to four students and one faculty member per experience. An approval notification with a copy of the completed Let's DU Lunch Qualtrics form will be emailed to the student(s) and the invited faculty member.

Is there a limit on the cost of lunch?

The maximum to be spent on a person per lunch is $20.

Who pays for the Let's DU Lunch?

The faculty member should pay for lunch using their Duke procurement card and then submit the receipt and approval email to their administrative staff for processing. The approval email will include the appropriate fund code to charge.

Can alcohol be purchased?

No. Alcohol may not be purchased as a part of Let's DU Lunch.

How long does the student have to set up the lunch?

Students have until the end of the semester before their request expires. Let's DU Lunch submissions will be accepted up until two weeks before the last day of classes.

Where do we go for lunch?

Anywhere you and the student(s) agree to go. Some suggested places nearby:

Some suggested places nearby:

  • If you want to walk or have a time limit:
    • Panera
    • Tropical Smoothie Cafe
    • Duke University Hospital Food Court
    • Nosh at Joe Rae Café
    • Saladelia at Perkins
  • If you want to drive or have a little bit more time:
    • Mad Hatters
    • Foster's Market
    • Any restaurants on Erwin Rd, 9th Street, or in Downtown Durham
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