Emily Funk, DNP, CRNA

Emily Funk, DNP, CRNA
Assistant Professor

Emily Funk, DNP, CRNA, joined Duke University School of Nursing on April 1, 2020 in our Nurse Anesthesia Program and is a member of our Clinical Health Systems & Analytics Division.

Dr. Funk graduated magna cum laude from The Ohio State University with her BSN and earned her MSN in Nurse Anesthesia and DNP at Duke University. Her capstone project, "Structured Handover in the Pediatric PACU," won the 2017 American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses Mary Hanna Memorial Journalism Award.

Dr. Funk is a staff nurse anesthetist at Duke University Medical Center and is the CRNA pediatric clinical lead and a CRNA charge nurse. Prior to joining the faculty, she was a clinical associate with DUSON, where she contributed to our nurse anesthesia program by providing workshops and lectures in pharmacology, pathophysiology, and anesthesia principles. She served as a member of several DNP student projects.

Dr. Funk's professional interests are focused in pediatric anesthesia, education, quality improvement, and global health that have included missions to Haiti, Philippines and Uganda.

3235 Interprofessional Education Building
(919) 613-5709
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