2022 Nursing School Scholarship Contest

Throughout our lives, most of us have dozens – if not hundreds – of experiences with medical professionals. From the pediatrician you saw regularly as a child, to the nurses who took care of you in that unfortunate trip to the ER – you’ve encountered many people who had the opportunity to make a difference in your life.

Some of these experiences probably stick out to you more than others – perhaps a nurse that made you feel less scared or a PA that made you feel heard when no one else did. Maybe it was someone you watched help a parent or loved one.

Scholarship Overview

SimpleNursing wants to hear about a time that a healthcare worker had a profound impact on you, and potentially even made you want to pursue nursing as a career yourself.

The best written and most compelling essay will be selected by the team at SimpleNursing and the winner will receive an award of $2,500 to be put towards their nursing school tuition.

In addition, we will publish the winner’s essay on our website and share it through our social media channels.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be enrolled or accepted into a nursing school program in the United States as of the Fall 2022 semester.
Applicants must submit their essay and other required information by May 15, 2022.
Winner will be notified by May 30, 2022.

United States
Simple Nursing
Special Requirements
Essay Required
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